The Importance of Communication in Your Relationship

Relationships are a funny thing.
When people first begin dating, they’re typically at their best. They do all the right things that create a connection. Since most people I see are oblivious to where it fell apart, they are equally unsure what they did to make it come together.
On those first dates, couples miraculously summon their best innate version of themselves. It’s well beyond simply looking good. It’s the way each act. Best behavior. Charm and attentive to the max.
By the time I meet them, those moments are distant memories. The two get comfortable and caught up in surrendering to life’s required expectations outside of the relationship.
So what goes wrong? People gravitate to what they know. When asking about the couple’s upbringing, they describe their parents or caregivers as not having a very healthy, tender relationship.
At best of the worst, most describe a partnership. If two parents were living together, they lived independent lives under the same roof. Others detail constant arguments and daily tension. Some even state one or both weren’t around. Abandonment certainly factors into one’s relationship DNA. Somewhere between those stories, the people I’ve met find their own style. In essence, because of their upbringing, they truly don’t know how to sustain a healthy, flourishing relationship beyond the initial courtship stages.
They simply gravitate to familiarity.
Teaching the core concepts of sustainable, flourishing love begins and ends with a healthy, constructive conversation that builds on a lasting, ascending connection. A relationship of trust, respect, admiration, support, affection, and understanding by way of effective and productive communication.
For the people I’ve met, those extremely important skills can be acquired by what I learned working with some amazing people in my training as well as my own personal experiences.
It’s not hard to fix. It only takes a willing attitude and incorporating the knowledge into daily practice.
As always, change begins with a first step. I hope to hear from you soon.